Quality vs Quantity

Quality vs Quantity
To quality or to quantity?

It's been a year since I started with 3D Filament Paintings, and as time passes, I see more and more people making filament paintings, which is awesome. But I also see the quality going down and the quantity coming up...and this is something to be expected.

From my point of view, 3D Filament Painting is 3D making but also easy if you understand how Hueforge works and can make any kind of painting. So the more filament paintings we upload, the more aggro we will pull from all other makers. And up to some point, I agree.
I believe, through my releases and actions in the last year, I am trying to prove them wrong and point out that we can be creative with 3D Filament Paintings and i know other artists/makers are doing the same and i applaude them for the creations and effort!. But there are also other people, releasing 20 paintings per week with mediocre AI generated images and average painting efford, and this is doesn't help at all. Yes, the credits are nice, but we need to earn them fair and square!

I imagine a website, only for 3D Filament Paintings, with models, downloads and discussions around the creative aspect of them. I would be happy to get involved for the creation of a project like that but that's a discussion for another day 😛

All the above made me reflect, over the last couple of weeks, about my profile and what plans are for this new year. For the last couple of months, I tried to release 2 paintings per week, one for free and one for my club members, but this sometimes forces me to release paintings that I wouldn't release without that rule because, from my point of view, they are mediocre. I was always voting for quality, but you know, sometimes we lose track.

So from July 2024 onward, I will stop caring about how many paintings I am releasing and ignore every logic that tells me to have a fixed schedule. I will not release more than 8 paintings per month to avoid spamming Printables/Makerworld (as i already do), and will only release the awesome ones...could be one per month, could be more. I know and understand that some resellers might not like this, and I am sorry, but this is my decision, and it is final. This next round will go to quality for me!